About Eco Hosting

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About The Company

Domains and Hosting since 1999.

As a high energy usage business we were not content to just sit back and do nothing about it. So whilst hosting thousands of domains and hosting packages, Eco Hosting was determined to give something back and to try to meet the lower carbon emissions targets before it was made compulsory by the government. A new environmentally friendly web hosting and domain name registration business was born from an existing corporate and private web hosting business.

Green and eco web hosting businesses are now appearing all over the internet but we are one of the original businesses to offset our data centre carbon emissions in the UK.

ecohosting founders

We are often imitated but still unrivalled on price and service.

How Do We Do It?

We were one of the first companies to use free cooling in our data centre making it (at the time) one of the most efficient data centres in Europe. We also put a lot of research time into finding the right energy supplier for our data and endeavour to maintain our ethos and core beliefs at all times and since the expiration of the CCL Exemption we still use renewable energy by choice.

Locations + Team

Having offices and data centre locations around the UK means we are able to recruit a wide variety of expertise for all aspects of our operation and manage to hand pick a team of web geeks to help move the business forward and maintain our high standards. Eco Hosting is continuing with the innovative approach to web hosting that we have always pioneered. EcoHosting Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales Company No. 05861377 with a Registered Office Address c/o South West Tax, 55 Elm Road, Mannamead, Plymouth PL4 7AZ and has a trading address EHQ, Falcon Drive, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF10 4RU

About The Company

After contributing towards reforestation projects in Devon, Somerset and South Wales, we have now turned our attention to Scotland at the request of a team member. We are currently supporting The Alladale Reserve which is North of Inverness.

The world-renowned Alladale Reserve is the location for some of the most important forestry research and conservation. In conjunction with the Scottish Government and the Forestry Commission many native trees have been replanted along five river banks over a five year period...600,000 in fact. 30,000 of these trees have been planted by The Carbon Managers and Eco Hosting have played a big part in that process. Those trees include Caledonian pine, alder, holly, aspen and oak. This will help regenerate the river banks and the rivers themselves.

Ground Breaking Research Projects

A research division of Oxford University has several projects operating at Alladale. These include tests with wild boars and how their behaviour helps sustain plant species; the monitoring of the Scottish Wildcat (only a few hundred remain) to see if there is potential for reintroduction into the reserve and also the reintroduction of European Bison (imported to Scotland).

Bison are a vulnerable species so this will hopefully enhance the gene-pool as well as playing an important role in maintaining the mixed biodiversity rich woodland and grassland. This combined with Tree planting can only be beneficial to the environment in relation to bio-diversity and providing natural habitats for various different species.

Challenger Trust

Alladale and Eco Hosting also support the Challenger Trust. The Trust gives young people the experience of a lifetime. Some inner city children have never seen the countryside but with the Trust they spend several days and nights at the reserve and take part in all sorts of outdoor activities, nature studies and of course tree planting.

You will of course be able to request a certificate to show everyone and anyone that you have planted a tree at this beautiful location and hopefully they will want to join in and donate a tree themselves.

Please note that we advocate tree planting as a carbon offset solution with caution. Trees store CO2 during their lifetime. When allowed to die naturally, a tree will release methane back into the atmosphere when it decomposes. However the act of tree planting is an extremely positive starter for people to become generally aware of climate change issues.

challenger trust
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